
full name Viviaxna Areva'ji \ vi-və-äks-nah ah-rā-vah-jē \
nicknames Via, Vivia, Aunt Vi nameday November 11 (25) – Mending Era place of birth North Ridge Forest, Selesnya current residence Kirce District, Greater Ravnica statistics (centaur) 256cm (8'4") • 725 kg (~1,598 lbs) statistics (human) 196cm (6'5") • 57 kg (~126 lbs) ethnicity Selesnyan gender Dualsex (Futanari) skin complexion Deep Chocolate eye color Swampy Green species/race Heavyweight Ravnican Centaur affinity
military rank
Dame Commander of the Theater of Fortification of the Boros Legion for Ravnica's Tenth District.
parents Raught & Zenia Areva'ji orientation Polysexual relationship status Sophia nó Delaunay de Montrève (mated 2019.12.24)
children None; not seeking any pets Chomp (m) myers-briggs ESFJ-A — Consul alignment Lawful Moral native universe Ravnica / Dominaria Multiverse storylines Rhy'Din Island (05.2018 – present)
Elisium (06.2017 – 05.2018)
Temple of the Dark Flame (02.2014 – 04.2017)

Selesnyans tend to consummate their marriage with the intent of conception shortly after the union rituals are complete, continuing marital practices that date back roughly 10,000 years before Via was conceived. Many took Azor's departure from Ravnica negatively as he was one of the chief architects of the Guildpact and a Supreme Judge who dictated Order between the Guilds. Perhaps an early precaution in case other Guilds tried to advance aggressively to fill that vacuum, preying on the "weaker" ones first, the Selesnyans felt it important to keep their numbers abundant. A dryad named Ifra, known colloquially as "Aunt Ifra," was said to be looked upon as a fertility goddess, blessing hopeful mothers with successful pregnancies. While it was not law for children to be bore from marriages, the act was revered with the highest esteems. Newborns were doted upon by the entire community and the parents received a celebratory treatment for a couple of months. The status boost helped to move some into higher positions of prestige.

One such man who took advantage of this was Raught Areva'ji; already a cunning soldier of the Selesnyan Guard for his defense against the aggressive Gruul Clans, but felt his accolades were still underappreciated. To rectify this, he attempted to court a woman named Rosan'hi, an Elvish druidess who too sensed she was getting overlooked—namely by Trostani—at each opportunity to join the High Council. While Rosan'hi was not initially attracted to centaurs and the idea of mating with one repulsed her, she came to terms that the ends may justify the means if it got her out of the shadows.

Koriand'r was born shortly after. As a result, Raught moved on to be promoted to a division head in the Guard, while Rosan'hi was brought into an apprenticeship under one of the Council Elders who was looking to step down, a druid named Nafrad. Kori had just reached her 2nd birthday when a violent surprise attack came upon Selesnya by the Gruul.

The assault was said to be orchestrated by Borborygmos even though he was not physically present. Raught was swift to rally others to defend, fighting with all their might against the raging clan. Rosan'hi inserted herself into the battle despite warnings, perhaps as a way to further prove her prowess. Summoning numerous wood and earth elementals to fight in her stead who were successful in beating back the Gruul. Knowing the elementals were linked to their creator, a Goblin assassin managed to sneak through and locate where Rosan'hi was channeling from. The druidess was run through and her throat slit for good measure which halted the elementals. The Selesnyan Guard still managed to fight the Gruul and forced a retreat. Soon after, Raught learned of his mate's demise among the dozen others.

Raught grieved for several months. A hatred for the Gruul swelled in his soul but it would be a suicide mission to attempt and retaliate against them, especially since Selesnyan infantry numbers had not recovered. While not an overly religious man, Raught found himself going to the Temples to seek guidance and rage question why his mate was taken. These numerous occurrences were overseen by a high-ranking Mender within the Council, a woman by the name of Zenia. Sensing Raught was on the verge of doing something drastic, she began to speak with him and attempt to cull his vengeful heart. Cautioning him that despite his fighting prowess, his anger may lead to making reckless actions, which could result in him failing and Koriand'r should not have to suffer in losing both her parents in such short succession.

Heeding her sage words, Raught reneged on his heart's desire to seek revenge. He continued to go to the Temple to further cleanse his mind and temper, as well as to speak more with Zenia. A relationship between the Guard and Mender blossomed perhaps on accident but led to the two mating after a couple of months. Koriand'r soon became a big sister as Viviaxna was born shortly thereafter, Zenia's first child.

The routine check of a newborn centaur took place to make sure everything was accounted for: ten fingers, four hooves, two hearts—all normal. However, Zenia was informed by the midwife that one issue is … unique with Viviaxna. What was prematurely thought to be an excess lump between her hind legs turned out to instead be a preputial sheath. Meaning Via had fully-functioning female and male genitalia—a dualsex. While this phenomenon was not unheard of, it was incredibly rare. So much in fact that the last recorded instance in Selesnyan history was 10,000 years ago when Ifra was around.

Zenia was asked if she wanted Viviaxna to undergo a procedure to perhaps "fix" Via's gender. Appalled that such a request was made, she vehemently refused. Saying her daughter was born the way she is for a reason, and it would be an act against the gods to fix it.

As healthy and active as any child, Viviaxna was an explosion of energy day in and night out. Kori sometimes had a difficult time keeping up with her younger sister, not feeling she had as much stamina as Via did. Constantly on the move, galloping around the wilds of Selesnya to explore and get into mischief. Also growing at a rate more accelerated than typical female centaurs. Zenia and other medical sources chalked it up to a chemical imbalance due to her dual gender as Via grew to be larger than her older sister when Kori was 10 and Via was nearly 8. It didn't stop for a while with Via growing more than average male centaurs at that same age, causing both Zenia and Raught to question if they mistook what gender to raise Viviaxna under. It is when Via entered puberty—developing breasts and having an estrous cycle—that it was concluded Via was otherwise no different than cis-female fillies, just possessing an additional reproductive organ.

The fuss concerning Via's body tapered off as she matured into a teenager, and her raging spirit also grew exponentially. Raught was noticeably piqued because now Via was at the age where she was allowed to be educated in Selesnyan combat. Believing she might be interested in joining the Guard where the two of them could develop into a father/daughter duo to safeguard the areas together. The bookish Kori had no interest in spending most of the day in cumbersome armor getting sweaty in the fields, but Via welcomed the prospect. True to heart, Via enrolled and immediately found her stride under the tutelage of older, more experienced warriors. They were impressed at how easily she handled weapons and learned advanced techniques. Able to pick up a new weapon and ease into her comfort level to wield it near-flawlessly. Raught proudly watched on as his daughter was inducted as a member of the Selesnyan Guard when she turned 16 autumns.

An invigorated air of duty came with Via as she was eager to right wrongs and protect her home from potential threats. This was in contrast to other young, new recruits to the Guard who lacked that same motivation; oftentimes, they were more or less forced to join by their parents to instill a sense of responsibility into them. Even tenured members appeared lax despite what happened to Selesnya years back at the hands of the Gruul. But not Via; no, she wanted to get out there and make a difference!

And she did. Armed with her two blades, she was vigilant in her patrolling of her section of Selesnya. Taking on matters such as petty theft, and mild trespassing, and … well, that was about it. What Via did not know at the time was that after the Gruul attack that left many dead, the High Council was strict in defending Selesnyan territories from then on. However, instead of putting resources into training their own to take up that mantle, they absorbed the Ledev Guardians who were originally an independent sect that were watchdogs for all of Ravnica's roads and trade routes. Now, they act as Selesnya's personal bodyguards to protect officials and interests, including the perimeter to make sure another surprise attack doesn't occur on their lands. Via understood why so many other members of the Guard had such lackluster incentives because they were reduced to just handling frivolous tasks.

Both Zenia, now a member of the High Council, and Raught explained to their daughter that the Guard still held worth in their duties, but may be ill-prepared to handle the savage fighting nature of outsiders. Feeling it was in the best interest of future Selesnyan preservation to just adopt those—the Ledev—who were already trained to handle such tactics instead of reworking the teachings of the Guard. Hearing that explanation did not sit well with Via, but felt she could give little argument to the contrary. Others appeared to be comfortable with the way things were anyway.

Despite that realization, Via continued to train and work as a Guard though with dispassionate fanfare. It felt neighborly to help people with tasks, but nothing was fulfilling to her. These were not the exciting adventures she had been hoping for. At times Via would catch glimpses of certain Council members being led into Greater Ravnica with Ledev escorts, curious on the reasonings. She had never left Selesnya's borders and was interested in all those towering spires that marked portions of the vast ecumenopolis.

It was when Via was nearing her 18th nameday that her life would change forever. She and her Father were out patrolling together along the perimeter of the Greenbelt, nearing the time in the evening when they would be relieved from duty, when suddenly the alarm bells chimed. They witnessed other members of the Guard abandon their posts to quickly head northward, weapons drawn. Was it an attack? Raught and Via hastily headed forth to join where the other Guards had gathered not far from Selesnya's border. Moving past the others to the frontline, Raught's stern face centered on the one who looked to be the leader of this invasion. When Via joined at her Father's side, her swampy green eyes came upon a being she had never seen before.

An angel—or more exact, a firemane angel. A stunning female warrior with a figure of perfection and radiant golden eyes who looked over the collection of Guards before her. Armor that appeared to have been crafted by an absolute master of metallurgy, combined with the finest mesh and decorated with divine sigils. Her wings were a plume of wonder, spanning to either side like a living cape of feathers and flame. Illuminating the evening atmosphere. That brilliance had Viviaxna in such awe that she did not immediately notice the army of nearly two dozen fully armored knights stanced behind her. Their weapons were not drawn, unlike how many of the Guard had, to not cause provocation.

Boros. You're far from your jurisdiction, so you better have a hell of a reason for being in Selesnyan territory. What do you want here?” While Raught's words didn't have venom, they showed he was not pleased to see this other Guild here.

“Closure.” The angel's tone was as firm as her stance, her golden gaze never stirred from the large centaur standing only a few yards away. “We are upholding an arrest warrant for one Nafrad of Selesnya. We'd appreciate your cooperation to handle this swiftly and without incident.”

“Elder Nafrad?!,” Via chimes out with wider eyes after hearing the name of someone she was familiar with. "What do you mean arres—?!” Interrupted when her Father sets his large muscled arm out in front of her.

“What you're spouting sounds like pure shite, angel. On what grounds do you have for this so-called arrest of one of our figureheads?”

One of the helmeted knights approached the angel's left, removing a rolled-up parchment from his knapsack. Handing it off to his winged superior, who then extends it toward the centaur. “Conspiring with mercenaries—assumed to be of Dimir origin—to obtain banned weaponry, connections with stolen goods, and connections with illegal weapons trafficking. There are also some details concerning possible outstanding debt, but the Orzhov have their own ways to … handling such.” The angel did not flinch when Raught snatched the warrant from her hand.

Raught's narrowed gaze rests upon the Azorius emblem imprinted into the parchment's wax seal before it is ripped open. Ignoring the angel's words and instead reading what was documented. Murmurs began from the Guard standing around behind Raught.

“Father? What's going on?,” looking from the Boros collective back to her Sire as he was still reading. "Is any of what she's saying true?" Via's eyes watch when her Father's burly fists crush the paper before it is dropped to the dirt. The ground rumbles when Raught's hoof slams down to crush the warrant.

“Get out of our lands—NOW. If there is any whit of truth to these … accusations, it will be handled here with accordance to our ways.”

“It's too late for that.” Despite Raught's increased anger, the angel remained poised and professional. Her piercing golden eyes firmly lock onto the Head Guard's pair unwavering. “The Azorius have deemed this being too dangerous to remain unincarcerated any longer, and if Selesnya have been blind to one of their own's heinous misconduct, that may be grounds for a further investigation.”

“I've heard enough of this shite, and we will not be talked down to by the likes of you. Angel or not, if you and your chrome soldiers do not leave here, we will escort you out.” Setting his hand upon the handle of his weapon, but did not draw it yet.

The angel lifts her hand back toward the Boros soldiers to keep them settled, never taking her gaze from Raught. “That is not wise, Guardsman. I ask that you and your people reconsider your actions. We are not looking for a grievance with Selesnya, only justice.”

“Wise tah heed her words, old friend. Nae sense wastin' energy quarrelin' over lil' ol' me.” The rough tone that blows out from the nearby treeline caused Raught, Via, the angel, and most of the other Boros and Guards to avert their eyes. The cloak of night was disturbed by the orange spark of spiritual flames that ignited around the heavy steps of the approaching loxodon garbed in druidic robes. Eyes as ablaze as the leaves and grass turning to cinders in his wake, looking over the collection of warriors from the two Guilds. His weighted footfalls finally pause several yards away as he stands his quarterstaff beside him. “Besides, it's best tah save yah strength.”

"E-elder Nafrad?" Swampy emerald eyes reflecting the flames starting to slowly spread around the large loxodon. Via had seen this man work alongside her Mother and aid fellow Selesnyan for years as a child. This was a completely different persona for one who was looked upon as a spiritual wise man.

“Brother Nafrad, what is this about! What are you doing?!” Raught's attention split between the loxodon and the flames starting to kick up in the grass and along the barks of nearby trees to set them aflame. The heat rising around them all gradually.

“Selesnya has grown 'placent with their weaknesses, Brother! Mat'Selesnya does nae listen tah her children, and Trostani is bias with her blessings. It is time fah a change!” Lifting his staff to slam the end of it against the grounds, Nafrad's eyes intensify in their crimson glow. An intense rumbling along the earth begins to intensify, making people begin to manage their footing.

“Boros, to arms!” As if in a hive-mind, every single member of the Boros drew their weapons and awaited their next orders. Looking around their positions as the rumbling continues.

“If Selesnya will nae once again take care of these sacred lands like our ancestors did, then perhaps it is you that needs tah be escorted out, and leave it those that will!” The loxodon points his staff head out toward Raught. From behind Nafrad and breaking through the fiery trees around him came members of the Gruul. Brandishing new weaponry and riding atop elementals made of wood and mud. They charged toward the collective and attacked. Immediately, the Guards drew arms to defend themselves against the incoming clan of berserkers, fighting alongside the Boros Legion.

The landscape erupted with the Boros and Selesnyan Guard clashing intensively against the elementals and warlike Gruul berserkers amid the forested district. The spreading flames and heat had no love for either party and caused both of them disruptions and opportunities. Even Via was caught up in the combat, the most severe situation she had ever experienced to date. Wielding her two swords, she defended herself against some of the Gruul who might have assumed the teenage centaur would be easy pickings. Their erratic attacks versus her more structured technique forced Via to think and react faster than she ever had before. She managed to disarm and knock a couple of them out with the pummel of her sword, but the danger escalated swiftly. It was this night that Via inflicted her first kill, having to run her blade through an attacker who attempted to cleave her head from her shoulders. His blood painted her face before watching the man crumple to the ground by her hooves.

Not having the time to process what she just did before one of the elementals got the drop on Via and flung her into a tree mercilessly with a vicious backhanded blow of its massive wooden fist. Raught called out to his daughter when he saw that, doing his best to fight through to get to her. The firemane angel was nearby in the middle of unleashing a ferocious array of strikes against her attackers. When she witnessed the elemental close in on the young centauress to finish her off, she flew toward it and slashed her righteous blade through the hulking beast and its rider to rip them in twain. “On your hooves, young warrior. Fight through that pain and use it.” Extending her gloved hand toward Via. Via's blood-stained face looking now at the angel's, her swampy greens meeting the golden pair. Clasping the angel's hand, she rises and secures her weapon to continue fighting alongside the angel and Guards with a rejuvenated fervor.

Whether by being driven away or by their own choice to retreat, the Gruul eventually pulled back from the fighting and out of Selesnya. It was likely due to not wanting to continue in a 3-on-1 when the Ledev eventually showed, especially after losing a few of their elementals. Casualties were inflicted on all sides, but the fires had to be quelled first before they spread further. Luckily, other residents of Selesnya hurried to the battle area to help extinguish all the flames.

The Boros remained to aid in transporting the wounded, as well as making sure the Gruul had vacated. There was no trace of Nafrad anywhere. Raught immediately found his daughter and made sure she was okay, Via reassured him that she was despite a couple of new bruises. Still, she was confused as to why the once respected Elder did what he did, and Raught had no answers. When the angel also approached, Via thanked her for doing what she did to save her life. Raught also apologized on behalf of Selesnya for his defense of a man who turned out the way he did, and for the Boros's assistance in fending off the Gruul.

“You may call me Asaph, warrioress,” when Via asked her name. “You fought boldly alongside your people to defend the lands. Never give up heart, regardless of fate.” Those words filled both Viviaxna's heart and mind, a credo she has never forgotten to this day.

“We will continue the search for Nafrad. I trust we can count on Selesnya should the need arise.” Raught and Asaph shook hands before the army returned to the greater city. Via watched the Boros Legion leave while her mind continued to play over all the events that happened that evening.

Over the next week, Via did a lot of thinking and soul-searching. Both about the past event, as well as how she wanted to become stronger in the future. Despite the recent attack that happened here in her home, not much had changed with how the Guard trained. Most others besides Viviaxna still had an apathetic approach toward strengthening their resolve. Was all that Nafrad said true? Had most of Selesnya's natives lost their drive to protect their lands?

The day after Via turned 18, she had made up her mind on what she wanted to do with her life. Her Father was away on business, unfortunately missing her nameday, so she presented her news just to her mother. Telling her that she wanted to go into the greater city and enlist herself in the Boros. While Via could tell that her mother had a tinge of disappointment in her wanting to leave Selesnya, Zenia also noted the determination that rested in her daughter's eyes. Wouldn't be able to stand in the way of such, so she gave Via her blessing and reminded her she always had a home here to return to if she ever needed it. Zenia escorted her daughter to the edge of Selesnya's borders, giving her a heartfelt embrace—as well as some Ravnican coin to help her get where she needed to. After the teary goodbye and promises to visit often, Via hoisted her bag onto her shoulders and ventured outside of her homeland for the first time, stepping her hooves into the Greater part of Ravnica.

Fascination hit immediately the further Via traveled past the Greenbelt. Seeing some of those tall buildings and beautiful spires through the canopy of trees over Selesnya was nothing compared to gazing upon them up close. Vibrant green eyes were wide in allure to soak in as much as she could while walking through these newfound streets. Had to make sure she did not bump into anything as best she could! Numerous new sights and different smells as she passed different types of architecture, eateries and bake shops, and crossed several overpasses. Throngs of people walking and riding through the streets; the whole of Ravnica was larger than she imagined!

Via didn't notice that she too was being looked upon in a similar fascinating light by many of the cityfolk she passed, especially the younger ones. Centaurs were not everyday sights outside of Selesnya or running with the Gruul, so seeing one casually walking through the city was akin to spotting a leprechaun. So much so that she caught the attention of a patrolling Boros soldier who approached her. Via didn't see him in front of her as she was still sightseeing, so a pair of meaty palms came down upon her shoulders before she ran into him. Via's hooves scratch to a halt as she looks up to the massive man—or rather, a minotaur—in armor towering over her. Another race she had never seen before! Huge, intimidating, standing somewhere between seven and eight feet in stature not including the curved horns atop its head, the left one having a broken tip.

Believing she was in trouble or was trespassing, the minotaur's baritone voice reassured her that she wasn't and just assumed she was new around and might have been lost. To which Via informed that she was looking for where to go to recruit with the Boros. He appeared surprised at that answer. Men and women of many races and species enrolled in the Boros regularly, but this was the first he heard of a centaur doing so. Instead of giving her directions to risk her getting lost, he introduced himself as Bavas and offered to escort her to the bastion of the Boros's operations: Sunhome.

They talked much during the trip toward the neighboring Tenth District where Bavas gave her insight on what to expect during basic training. Learning how the hierarchy worked in the Boros from the Grunts to the Commanders, with the Angels being in a higher echelon over the rank and file. After telling him how she met one of the Angels a week ago, Bavas emphasized she must have been on a highly impactful assignment because the Angels do not normally involve themselves in business that can normally be handled by the mortal Boros members. Was Nafard so dangerous and powerful that only the might of an Angel could apprehend him?

Bavas chuckled when he took notice of Via's swampy green eyes growing as wide as saucers when she arrived in front of the immense guildhall. They also darted toward other armored individuals moving throughout the vicinity. Humans, minotaurs, … and goblins?! Everything here had a far more professional perception to it compared to the barracks back in Selesnya. Bavas told her where she should head next, and he watched as Via immediately took off in a gallop to go enlist. Turning a page to begin a new chapter of her life.

Viviaxna Areva'ji—the first centaur to join the Boros Legion, and is still the only one of her race in their ranks. Her training was intensely rigorous and backbreaking as the Boros did their best to break recruits, only accepting those who would not yield, and Via kept getting back up every time she fell. “Never give up heart, regardless of fate.” Those words from Asaph were Via's mantra whenever she felt herself getting close to a breaking point. She saw others quit and withdraw, saying they couldn't go on, but Via pressed forward. Through sweat and bloodshed, she became a hardened and dedicated soldier, rising in rank alongside some of her new sisters and brothers who also endured the training to this point.

After she reached 22 autumns, Aurelia knighted Viviaxna as a paladin with her holy blade and promoted her to the rank of Commander. Asaph, Zenia, and Koriand'r were all present at the induction. Currently, Via leads a troupe of dedicated soldiers to safeguard Ravnica's Tenth District domestically and is dispatched to handle sensitive retrieval missions abroad. Despite its potential dangers, this were the type of adventures Via has looked forward to since she was a child. She found her calling within the Boros Legion. Her ambition to protect Ravnica and defend those who do not have the means to do it themselves is what continues to drive her onward.

skills / special powers
  • Centaur Physiology: Myths concerning centaurs tend to share certain attributes despite their origin. In general, they are a race of beings with the head and torso of a human, and from the waist down the body of a horse. Reports of their mannerisms fluxuate between savage and brutal tribal thugs as wild as untamed horses, nature-embracing spiritualists, or proud and noble warriors who can act as bodyguards or soldiers. All those types dwell within Dominaria's multiverses, including throughout Ravnica.

    Centaurs have a variety of passive racial traits:

    • Form Shifting: A skill limited to Selesnyan female centaurs, Via can shift at will into a human form should the need arise. She is comfortable in either body, but defaults to her trueform. While on military duty and patroling Ravnica, she is always a centaur. Tends to only swift into human form when entering small buildings or about to ride in a transport. Her armor is enchanted by the smiths and mystics of Sunhome to remodel itself around her body whenever she switches between forms to not leave her naked and vulnerable.
    • Large Size: Via's a tall woman in either body, but far more in her centaur form. Centaurs are naturally larger than humans and elves. Via ranks in as a 'heavyweight centaur' (重量級ケンタウロス) which is normally reserved for males of the race. She stands over 250cm, so very few are able to look her eye-to-eye. I use the phrase "eight-foot-plus" in play because some people can't visualize metric well. Via's also young for her race, so she might grow another few inches.
    • Enhanced Strength: While Via's body is not overly muscular, she is capable of moving and lifting nearly 2,500kg—over three times her body weight. Her greatest feat of strength involved moving massive boulders that blocked a cave entrance after a rockslide, trapping people inside. She was able to pull some of the stones strapped to her body, others were moved with her arms. Some of her milder punches are capable of breaking jaws and shattering several ribs. She has arm wrestled and beat male centaurs twice her size. Her legs are even stronger where stomping one of her hooves can split and shatter pavement with the same consistency of concrete.
    • Enhanced Speed: At a full gallop, Via can reach speeds of around 80kph and maintain it for a several minutes. This is while wearing 70kg of full armor.
    • Enhanced Hearing: Each of her ears are long and angled at the top ridge; elven-like. Via can react and hear sounds about 4000 meters away.
    • Enhanced Smell: Centaurs have a sense of smell that's 1000x stronger than humans.
    • Enhanced Jumping: Can easily clear multiple hurdles, bound over a 6-foot fence, or a medium-sized sinkhole.
    • Enhanced Combat Mastery: Fighting is imprinted in a centaur's DNA. Via is versatile in a variety of weapons, and she has mastered many of them over the course of her life. She was initially taught with spears, swords, and bow & arrow. After joining the Boros, Via received additional weapon training: sword and shield, greatswords, maces, lances, and crossbows. Her level of expertise ranges between them. Her main weapon is a 7-foot halberd, one crafted specifically for her size and weight class: “Faithrite”. Via prefers melee-ranged combat to force her opponents to think faster. Despite her size and large build, Viviaxna is incredibly swift to match blows against various-sized opponents. Her reflexes and reactions are top-notch. Faithrite can be detached in the middle to create two individual bladed weapons.
    • Enhanced Accuracy: Despite her weapon usage repertoire, Via is not a fan of the bow and arrow. Her older sister Koriand'r was always a much better archer anyway. Regardless, her accuracy is still good when throwing, coupled with the strength in her arm to launch objects incredible distances.
  • Mana Usage: Children of Dominaria have innate usage of harnessing and manipulating mana, a renewable energy source used to fuel abilities and utilize magic. There are five schools of mana: red, green, white, blue, and black. The power wielded through mana usage is virtually limitless, able to stretch from simple matters like lighting torches to summoning planet-bursting meteors from space. Typically, the stronger the spell, the higher the mana cost. While it is possible to harness all five schools, it can become increasingly more challenging to control, let alone master them all, so many forgo those in excess of two. Via is technically versed in three schools:
    • (60%) Via learned to harness the fiery power of Red mana after joining the Boros Legion. It's mostly an offensive skillset, allowing her to create incendiary flames with her limbs, heat up her body, and imbue her weapons with fire for additional damage.
    • (36%) Being Selesnyan-born gave Via access to White mana, which helped in part to learning abilities in the Boros. This is where Via's defensive abilities come in as she can heal herself, or create a barrier to withstand some attacks, but it also allows access to holy flames which can inflict considerable damage to evil hearted beings, undead, or vampiric creatures.
    • (4%) Having never wanted to be a druid and has long-since been away from Selesnyan grounds, Via's semblance to Green mana has mainly fizzled. Because of her Selesnyan blood she can't completely lose access to it, but its usage is limited to Via having a passive accelerated healing factor, and to maintain access to the Worldsoul, which allows Via to go into a heightened state of torpor to regenerate should she ever receive a near-fatal wound.

general information – what may come up during play

• Her larger internal organs and bones constrict and mash together tightly in her smaller human body. It works, somehow.

• She has two hearts: one in her upper-left humanoid sternum, and a larger one in her equine body. That is the far more important one.

• Selesnyans are typically assumed to be pacifists by outsiders; the elves and centaurs especially exemplify that trait. The latter are nearly polar opposites to their Gruul cousins. However, Via is a highly combative woman with a raging fighting spirit. She anticipates new and interesting challenges; loves to face those who come off stronger than herself. Testing her skills and prowess whenever she can if only to better her resolve. She has always acted this way, but her years in the Boros Legion gave Via ways to structure her focus and body. Isn't the type to back down; rather go home bloody than be dubbed a coward. Thought she isn't stupid and would retreat if necessary, but only as a last resort.

• Via can alter her appearance to look more or less fully female below the waist for a duration with the use of a glamour spell. This is used for light situations such as wanting to wear a bikini.

• One of Via's main pastimes is drinking at various taverns. Due to a centaur's powerful digestive tract and liver, she can process alcohol quickly and break down the contents before they have any lasting effect on her stability or motor skills. Meaning, it's nigh impossible for her to get intoxicated. It takes a powerfully potent drink to have any effect—akin to something brewed by dwarves—and she'd still need to consume a lot of it. Via mainly just gets alternate tastes out of drinking.

• Takes her position as a Commander quite seriously. While Via is polite and respectful to everyday citizens she comes across, she is also incredibly focused while on active duty. It's those who cross her wrongly or commit a crime that find out firsthand just how durable she is. Has been noted to use a substantial amount of force upon those she apprehends. Feels to heart that she is making a difference in Ravnica by aiding those unable to stand up for themselves. Holds an intense sense of protection and loyalty to close friends. Quite a dominant and intimidating nature that can transcend from work into general life—not one to show weakness or submission.

• Attempting to get atop Via's back and "ride" her is a surefire way to get a hoof to the face. Or two. That luxury is reserved for her mate. She will also never wear any type of saddle.

• In addition to that, calling or referring to Via as a horse is another way to make an enemy. It's akin to a slur among centaurs. Via is well aware of her race's similarities to her feral distant cousins, but that's besides the point.

miscellany – extra privy and lascivious details (18+)

• Typical with female centaur physiology, especially those with heavyweight bodies, are their large breasts for feeding their young which are larger than human babies and require more nutrition. Via's bust is, in a word, enormous and measures around 161cm (~64in)—they're each larger than her head. She used to bind her breasts to better be supported inside of her armor when they were growing, but now there's no need as her armor comfortably adjusts to give her ample support. Via has no intention to ever breastfeeding any children. Her breasts should grow more as she moves toward her 30s.

• Via fits under the "horsecock futanari" or "full-package futanari" tags, so she has testicles. Her penis is equine-shaped in appearance as is all of her groin, between her thighs, and back to her anus even in human form. As a centaur, Via's penis measures 80cm (~31.5") in length out of its sheath, and 11cm (~4") in girth. It's a tad smaller in her human body at 64cm (~25") long, and 9cm (~3.5") wide. So it stretches past her knees.

• While Via does possess a sheath between her hind legs, it doesn't openly hang down like it does on a feral stallion. It's nearly invisible against the color of her hide. It only drops when she is sexually excited and prepared to mate. Because of this, one wouldn't know Via is a dualsex unless she told them. The only visible clue to those familiar with mares or centaur females is that Via does not have an udder behind her barrel, but her sheath area may be mistaken for one.

• Via's penile ejaculations have volumes ranging deep in the tens of thousands of milliliters. On the low end, she produces around 40–44k milliliters of semen. If Via is pent up or has not been able to relieve herself sexually for an extended period (e.g., away for months on active duty), she is capable of expelling upwards near 150,000ml.

• She doesn't wear undergarments. Sometimes a sports bra-like top may be worn under her armor while on duty, or if she's working out, but there's no normal bra that could ever encapsulate the size of her breasts comfortably. Centaurs don't wear panties and Via doesn't usually cover her hindend. If one were to look underneath her tail they'd see her bare vagina, but she normally keeps her long tail down to cover that area.

immediate family
Zenia Areva'ji, Mother ♀
Legendary Creature — Centaur Elder
One of the eleven High Council. Alive. Chosen by Trostani. Divine healing affinity; enjoys gardens.
Raught Areva'ji, Father ♂
Legendary Creature — Centaur Soldier
Selesnyan Defense General. Alive. Unwavering soldier who constantly clashes with the Gruul.
Sophia Areva'ji, Mate ♀
Legendary Creature — Human Dragon Cleric
Anguissette Healer. Alive. Formally Marked, now uses her expertise to aid the Selesnyan people.
Koriand'r Areva'ji, Older Sister ♀
Legendary Creature — Centaur Wizard Druid
Leader of the Osirian Druid Order. Alive. Powerful spellcaster and advisor to the throne.
Neda Areva'ji, Sister-in-Law ♀
Legendary Creature — Merfolk Druid
Osirian mermaid; wife to Koriand'r. Alive. Carefree and youthful; always trying new things.
Lenora Areva'ji, Niece ♀
Legendary Creature — Human Child
Adopted daughter of Koriand'r. Alive. Lost princess turned thief turning her life around.
Kaito Areva'ji, Nephew ♂
Legendary Creature — Merfolk Child
Older son of Koriand'r and Neda. Alive. Young introvert with a passion for reading and writing.
Pearl Areva'ji, Niece ♀
Legendary Creature — Merfolk Child
Daughter of Koriand'r and Neda. Alive. Incredibly shy and muted. Cuddlebug. Adores her Aunt Via.
Dragan Areva'ji, Nephew ♂
Legendary Creature — Centaur Child
Younger son of Koriand'r and Neda. Alive. Full of energy. Plays "Dragon Slayer" with Aunt Sophy.

those closest to heart
Elranda Llelyn, Best Friend ♀
Legendary Creature — Elf Wizard
Moonstar Tavern proprietress. Alive. Avaricious spellweaver and arsonist; Via's trusted partner.
Jade Avalon, Adoptive Niece ♀
Legendary Creature — Kijin Socialite
Daughter of Zaki. Alive. Half-draenei scene queen who is the "tsudere" half of the twins.
Kiera, Squire ♀
Legendary Creature — Human Soldier
New Boros trainee. Alive. Aspiring squire who admires Via's merit, always prepared to service.
Megan Hamilton, Trusted Friend ♀
Legendary Creature — Bastet Cleric
Bastet combat medic. Alive. High Priestess and Sphinx in a past life. Via's beloved companion.
Sabie de Labe, Friend ♀
Legendary Creature — Nekomimi Cleric
Former pet. Alive. Had a immense crush on Via, now works to treat soldiers back at Sunhome.
Sapphire Avalon, Adoptive Niece ♀
Legendary Creature — Kijin Socialite
Daughter of Zaki. Alive. Half-draenei scene queen who is the "moe" half of the twins.
Zaki Avalon, Friend ♂
Legendary Creature — Kijin Rebel
Part Kijin Gorkaira, part annoying. Alive. Hangs out with him and his daughters for movie nights.

associates past and present
Asaph, Firemane Angel ♀
Legendary Creature — Angel
Angelic Boros warrior. Alive. Helped train Via when she was starting as a Boros recruit.
Jade Ailestrom, Associate ♀
Legendary Creature — Human Mercenary
Monster hunter and sellsword. Alive. Teamed up to rid a town of a terrorizing demonbeast.
Ryan Atwood, Friend ♂
Legendary Creature — Human Rogue
Wandering cowboy. Unknown. Expert gunslinger and pegasus rider. A fun drinking partner.

• The name's Riri—nice to meet you!

• Female writer (she/her), legal age, and over two decades of online roleplay experience. Yeah, I'm old.

• This page is best viewed in either Firefox (preferred) or Chrome. Requires a high resolution (1920x1080) for everything to look how it should—4K preferred.

• Viviaxna is specifically for medieval-fantasy settings, though she can be brougth into modern-fantasy. She's an original character based in the Magic: The Gathering universe, specifically the Ravnica Block in the Dominaria Multiverse. If you are unfamiliar with how to play the card game, unfortunately a lot of the information on this site may go over your head. I did my best to add links to better highlight any important nouns, but I understand it can be a lot of reading. Admittedly, I am not a MTG-lore expert or stickler. While I am knowledgable to a degree, I don't play out the universe verbatim. I prefer a more loose—almost futuristic—overlay of Ravnica, while still keeping true to many of its notable core mechanics. Think medieval fantasy in style of architecture and dress with modern technology and perks. Hell, this version of Ravnica has smartphones.

• This character is crossover-friendly with characters from media that share similar genres. While I may not be familiar with every type of anime/show/game out there, I am willing to discuss ideas and do some research if a storyline piques my interest.

• Most of the pictures of Viviaxna were all created through AI imagery by me. Since this is the internet and most of it is a lawless cesspool, all I can really do is ask that you do not steal them.

• Discord play only. Forum and message boards are practically dead, and journals look absolutely obnoxious.

Reactive: I give back what I am given through play, but I have a fairly low tolerance toward people who don't put in any effort or much character interaction. Fluff is boring. My posting style is 3rd-person storybook and multi-para/novella range. I get quite descriptive and lengthy if I'm feeling the scene. I make it a habit not to one-line unless it's for comedic or add-in purposes.

• To address the elephant in the room—yes, Viviaxna is a futanari. I am quite aware that futa/herm characters had a rather negative cloud over them from the old AOL days due to many being one-dimensional, smut-based creations. I am not one of those players. It's just Via's gender, not the basis of her entire character. I am not looking for Via to go fill every hole she comes across. I'm not opposed to smut if it's part of solid play, but I love Via to interact with good characters and get some world building going. Her story/sex ratio is 6:4.

• Over the years I've found that players that do not possess some type of character profile are lazy, typically falter fast, and are overall not worth the effort. There is no excuse to not have one because there are plenty of mediums available to create them—even if it's written out in a Word document. The "learn everything about my character through RP" excuse is weak because apparently, some people don't understand profiles are OOC. They are there to give a brief overview of a character and to help players construct ideas—that's Roleplay 101. This stance has loosened some since Discord offers no elaborate profile space. Still, there are outlets for serious RPers to use, so use them.

• No OOC drama—If it begins, I will end it.

• I tend to be a bit quiet and reserved, but friendly! It's not you, just the way I tend to act. I'm not the most talkative and gossipy, so don't expect me to carry on long conversations and small talk.

• I keep a thick line between online and real life. It's nothing personal but it keeps needless bullshit to a minimum, and issues are easier to deal with when those lines blur very little. So I don't give my number or address, send pictures, etc. If you want to contact me just leave me a DM, and I'll read it eventually.

• I live in Japan (JST), which is anywhere between 12–15 hours ahead of anyone in the US. Just a heads up.

• Most importantly: have fun~ Else what's the point? We're here to write and game.

3840x2160 UPDATED 2024/08.01 @ 12:00P NO DRAMA/HAVE FUN